Monday, April 11, 2016

33 weeks and possible discharge this week!?! :)

I had a great weekend. Saturday was filled with visitors from 10:00-6:00.  Friends Adrienne Thomas and Kim Wheeler were nice to bring Chantel along with them since Truman had an early morning soccer game on Saturday. Chantel was able to stay with me from 10:00-4:30 and I thoroughly enjoyed her visit. Mark dropped her off at Adrienne's place at 7:15 that morning and she did some baking with Adrienne. They brought me some yummy banana bread. Mark came by around 3:00 with Truman and then right as they were leaving, Michelle Everette stopped in. 

Sunday I had about 45 min visit with kids and Mark before they left for church. I finished knitting the baby hat that day and now just need to knit some flowers to go with it. Yes, you'd think at first it's a boys hat, but no!

This morning I went in for an ultra sound and all looks good. Baby is measuring well and she now weighs 4 lb 12 oz, so she's gained a pound over the last 2 weeks.  They didn't print out a profile picture, but here is an awesome picture of her foot. :) She is definitely a kicker and loves to pull off some moves for mommy.

Other really exciting news! When my doctor came in this morning to check on me I was asking her since I've had very minimal bleeding for this past week, is there a chance I can go home? She made it sound like it's possible and we'll talk more about it tomorrow. It all depends on how this Tuesday plays out! ;)  She said, it wouldn't be different if we were planning on delivering at 34 weeks, but since we are wanting to wait it out as long as possible, that she will talk more about it tomorrow. Is this really happening??? If so, it's a true miracle and will be the best day ever.

To be honest, it's been harder for me to be in the hospital day after day when my bleeding is so minimal. Yes, I'm glad I haven't had any recent trips to labor and delivery, but feeling completely fine and minimal bleeding, why can't I just spend the rest of the my days at home?

Fingers crossed!!!

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