Thursday, March 31, 2016

30 weeks 3/24

Thursday 3/24

It's been over a week since I've been to the torture chamber. It ended up being a Terrific Tuesday instead of Terrible Tuesday this week. I've also had my room all to myself for over a week (knock on wood).

Most days I've had very minimal bleeding, rated at 3-4, but there have been 2 incidents when I've had sudden heavy bleeding come on rated at a 7 and 8. Luckily both times weren't too much blood to send me back to L&D. I think it's just simple reminders that I won't be going home before delivery and that this bleeding is never going to stop.

1-brown spotting
2-dark red spotting
3-minimal bleeding - 1 pad/day
4- light bleeding - 2 pads/day
5- on/off medium bleeds through out the day with a few dime size blood clots - 5 pads/day
6-on/off medium bleeds with numerous quarter size blood clots - 5-7 pads/day
7-hourly bleeding, but not enough all at once to contact nurse right away - pad changed each hour or 2
8- heavy bleeding all at once - immediately contact nurse, put on the monitor, specular exam 
9- heavy bleeding all at once - immediately contact nurse, immediate specular exam, IV, and monitored
10-Heavy bleeding all at once- emergency action

Yesterday with how nice the weather was I finally had the guts to ask my doctor if I could go outside to feel some fresh air. He was nice to give me permission, so my sweet mother wheeled me out near the entrance of the hospital where I had an amazing time soaking in some vitamin d, smelling and seeing the spring flowers in bloom, and enjoying the sunshine with clear blue skies. It was so warm that I even ended up taking off my long sleeve cami. Let me mention, I hadn't been outside since February 1st so this was very heavenly and therapeutic. I had a hard time going back inside. We were probably outside for a good 1.5 hours and ended up meeting up with the kids at the entrance since they come to see me every Wednesday after school. :) I may have to request a bi-weekly prescription to soak in vitamin D. 

Mark's boss has told him  -no more going on business trips until after delivery, which I think is smart with how quickly my bleeds have come on. 
This baby is sure getting big and is very active. Wish I knew when she'll be delivered. It's like living on the edge for me, knowing she could come as quick as a day or a month and a half. All I know is the doctors are hoping to keep this baby in the oven til 34 weeks and most likely I won't deliver past 37 weeks. Most people with my condition deliver anywhere between 34-36 weeks

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