Thursday, March 31, 2016

26 weeks - True Blue Miracle

Tues - 2/23

I'm now 26 weeks and 2 day. I haven't had any other trips to labor and delivery over the last week which is a relief. My bleeding has still been rather heavy at times, but nothing too drastic to send me back to L&D and hook me up to IV's. 

It feels great to be back in my room with the awesome window view of the East River. I've been lucky to have the room all to myself. That is, until last night when a room mate joined me. :/ It turns out she snores and tends to watch a lot of tv (which isn't too loud for me, but I can still hear it). She is 27 weeks which means she could be here for a while longer. So much for having my own room, but I can't complain too much. It could be worse.

I passed my glucose test last week!!! I didn't pass the first test they did on me, so the next day after fasting over night, they had to draw my blood 4 times after I drank the tasty (not) sugared drink. They drew blood every hour for 3 hours after the drink. My blood cells seem to be a lot thinner and so my nurse that day ended up poking me 5 extra times that were unsuccessful. 
But hey, at least I pasted the test and don't have gestational diabetes.

My next sonogram is scheduled for this Thursday afternoon.

I think the worst part about being in the hospital for long period of time is the fact that I always have to have an IV in me and because I'm pregnant its double the size as the smallest one. The only times I end up screaming in the hospital is when they have to change my IV (which has to be done every 4 days). The last one I had put in only lasted 2 days and was feeling really tender. It turns out it came out of my vein some how and so the nurse took it out last night. They have let the IV team know I'm due for another IV. I was all worried I'd be woken up in the middle of the night by the IV team, but they never showed up thank goodness. I don't have IV in right now and its the best thing ever, but I know it won't last too long. So far I have 6 IV scars on my arms. :/ Not to mention I end up getting my blood drawn around 4 times a week.

Its been so great having my family bring me left over foods from meals people have brought our family. They have all been so much better then hospital food. As of yesterday, our nanny started up and with my mom in town for the next few weeks, we are not in need of meals at this time, but thanks to all those who have offered. Our nanny's name is Jane and she is really cute with the kids. She is in her early 50's and has had a lot of experience with kids as she was an elementary school teacher for 4 different grades. She mentioned that 2nd grade was her favorite, which happens to be Truman's age.

I've sure appreciated all the surprise visits, emails, texts, flowers, goodies, cards, etc... It always helps to strengthen my spirits.

2 hours later:
Ok, I spoke too soon. Within 10-20 min after sending this email out I had more heavy bleeding. They immediately hooked me up to monitor and IV fluids. I did not appreciate the way I was treated as far as immediate IV poking. They immediately went for the vein in my right hand (which is still tender) with out even considering the arm. I screamed and cried and was so grateful that my friend, Kate Lindsay came to visit and help boost my spirits and wipe away my tears.
The bleeding subsided for a couple hours and I was getting close to being unhooked from IV fluids, but then more heavy bleeding came on. I'm now in labor and delivery room really hoping I don't have to be on magnesium.  

I haven't been able to eat or drink since this morning. My mom is here and I do have a pretty awesome nurse. Let's hope for the best! :/

Wed - 2/24
Talk about a true blue miracle and the Lord watching over the baby and me. I was really close to having to deliver last night. After being hooked up to magnesium/fluids/penicillin, being given another steroids shot, and being on full bed rest, by 7:30 the bleeding was still really heavy. My doctor estimated (from looking at my pads that were being changed within each hour) that I had already lost around 200 ml of blood that day. I was having contractions and even though the baby's heart rate was fine all along, we were worried about her losing nutrition from all the blood Id lost from the placenta. We didn't want to cause any stress on her since baby's this young don't handle stress as well as baby's born in the 30 weeks range. So my doctor prepped me for possible c-section if the bleeding continued heavily for another hour like it had been. 
During the whole time, my mom and I had been texting Mark to keep him updated. He was able to catch an earlier flight from LA and was still 4.5 hours away by then. 
My emotions were all over the place. I can't even count the number of times I cried yesterday. Not to mention the pain in my arm and hand from this IV. My mom and I said a little prayer as I'm sure many family and friends did. While waiting it all out we watched a few shows on Netflix to keep our minds off all that was going on. 
It was within that hour that some how, some way the bleeding turned into light spotting and has been ever sense. Mark was so glad he made it to the hospital with this baby still inside me. He slept here for the night. 
Things are looking up from here, but who knows how much it will change once they let me get up out of bed instead of using a bed pan. I've been told I may be sent back to my room today. I've learned I can't get too excited, but so glad we gained another day of baby's life in the oven. 
Thanks for your thoughts and prayers. That's all for now. Let's hope I didn't speak too fast

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